Hop-on’s newest innovation. A Freedom of Speech Social Media Platform, diversified in content, dialogue, and debate. Click here for the sizzle reel.
With over 30 years of experience in high tech deliverables, server locations both domestic and offshore, encryption expertise, high-tech programing capabilities, and the knowledge to deliver our new patent pending “indelible” marks on users’ content creations. Our Hop-on, Inc. CEO is in the final phases of bringing Digitalage to market.
With the IP protection in place, the ability for brands, influencers and the everyday subscribers and end users to be paid in cryptocurrency payments, the platform serves to be the total package of a For Profit social media network. Using Hop-on’s latest patent pending technology, our goal is to change the world of what social media has been into what the end user has desired all along.
Digitalage will have global reach and respect, observe and abide by local and regional laws and customs to garner mutual respect and provide our services to all. In exercising our true First Amendment right our platform will give way to Free Speech. The site will not delete, prevent posting of, or alter content unless it is against the constitutional laws of the United States.
Many Social Networks have come under fire lately for their biased “fact checking” processes, shadow banning, altering view counts, blocking users for their interactions through “likes” or “reposts”, manipulating search results and feeds to promote content espousing the Networks favored ideas, and collusion with private and government entities to identify and target “undesirable” individuals.
We believe these collective actions and current trends are extremely dangerous to our democracy, to an open and free society, and harkens back to the repression, dogma, and control tactics used to silence Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Copernicus, and innumerable others that have lost their freedoms and their lives at the hands of the righteous few that deem their point of view superior to all others.
In learning lessons from those before us, and utilizing our advancements, knowledge base, and platforms in the technology and communications industry, there is no better time like the current to build and launch Digital Age.
Growth: International and Viral components
Conservative Deplatforming / Mass Migrations
Personal Ownership and Portability of Content
Alternative Interface to Established Social Media Platforms, Publishers and Content
Ethical Treatment
Personal Privacy
Integration of New Markets, Demographics, Media and Devices
Social Meta Search
Sustainable and Equitable
Privacy Promoting Models for Advertising, Revenue Share and Crowd Funding